Landon was born early Monday morning, April 20th, 2009. At first everything looked fine. Within a couple hours his abdomen began to swell. A decision was made to send him to Brenner's Children hospital in Winston. The initial diagnosis, in Winston, was that he was bleeding from his liver possibly due to an injury at birth. Several test were done and no blood was found in the abdomen. Tuesday morning they began to suspect the colon. An upper GI was performed and a blockage was detected. They took him to surgery and discovered that his small intestine had twisted and the blood supply was cut off to the intestine. We were told that they would leave the intestine intact and look at it again Wednesday to determine if any blood supply was returning. We were also told that he probably would not survive. On Wednesday they took another look and it was not good. We were told that we should let him go. In the meantime were were contacted by a family that has gone through the same situation. Their son received a colon transplant at Georgetown University and is now six years old. We have been in contact with doctors in Boston that have urged us to pursue a transplant. We are also making contact with the doctors at Georgetown. We have instructed the surgeons here to do the surgery today that will prepare him to survive until a transplant can be done. We are expecting the surgery to begin at any moment. After that we will be watching for any infections or complications. The next week will be critical. We have been told that he has a 50/50 chance of surviving this surgery.
Thank you for all your prayers. We have been through several days of constant tears and appreciate all the well wishes. I will email updates and we are looking at the possibility of starting a blog to keep everyone updated.
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