Landon has had several test done today and there are several more scheduled for tomorrow. Today they started the blood work test. They checked his white blood cell count and it was normal, which is good. No line infections. They took a stool sample to check for bowel infections. They have taken a urine sample. For several days Landon has had a rash under the bandage that holds his IV tube in his leg. They have determined that it is probably a fungus and they have a powder that can be used under the dressing and will eliminate this. Several other things were going on, just gathering all the information about Landon that they could.
Landon was enrolled in the Omegaven study and I think he will be patient number 121. The patients in the ward that Landon is on are all short bowel kids from all over the country. This is the place to be if you are a short bowel syndrome kid.
There are several test scheduled for tomorrow. They are going to do an ultra sound and a study of Landon's liver to determine just how much damage has already been done. We believe that they are also going to do a GI study to get a look at his anatomy from the inside. There will be a lot going on.
Today we met Dr. Puder, the omegaven doctor, Dr. Jaksic, the intestinal surgeon, and Kathleen Gura, the omegaven pharmacist. We also met all of the nurses, social workers, and financial workers that would not give up and helped us get Landon here. I made sure to hug every one of their necks.
All of the doctors and nurses were surprised at how good Landon looks. Most of the patients that they get are very sick by the time they get here. We got Landon here early in an attempt to prevent Landon from becoming very sick or doing more damage to his liver. They are pleased and believe that they can have a very positive impact on Landon's life. This makes us very happy.
Very good news. Jeremiah and Shelly have been
excepted in the Devon Nichole House. The Devon Nichole House has just completed a new wing. Jeremiah and Shelly will be the first to occupy one of the new rooms. The cost is minimal, $50 for the first night and $25 per night after that. It could still amount to several hundred dollars quickly. But, it's a lot better than a hotel and it is only a couple blocks from the hospital. They will be moving in on Wednesday and I will be coming home on Wednesday.
1 comment:
My daughter Blaise was also born with a midgut volvulus and has short bowel. She started on Omegaven in February (patient #111) and it helped us keep her healthy until she could be weaned off PN completely. We're hoping your little guy has amazing results, too. Welcome to Boston!
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