Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am hoping Jeremiah will do an update soon. He was up most of the night, last night, with Landon. Landon had a couple episodes of supra ventricular tachycardia last night. What this means is that his heart rate suddenly became very rapid. They called Jeremiah at the Ronald McDonald House and had him to come back over to the hospital. They used ice packs to get his heart back in rhythm. They told Jeremiah that there are several things that could have caused this such as withdrawal from the pain medications, catheter leads, or it could be hereditary. The last time we talked with Jeremiah they were placing leads on Landon so they could monitor his EKG. Anyway, it was a scary night for Jeremiah and concerning for us now.



RivermasterNC said...

Eldon & Jeremiah:

I received an email this morning from the National Marfan Foundation advocating participation in a grass roots campaing for protecting patients rights (particularly chronic issues) organized by the Nation Health Council. Thought you might want to know. Link: http://www.puttingpatientsfirst.net/

Marfan Parent

Eldon said...

Thanks Scott we will check it out.

Amy said...

My prayers are still with you. I hope that everything gets better soon as I am sure it will, Its hard to say but there will be alot of scary nights. But it is all worth it when its over.