Saturday, April 22, 2017

Do You Believe in Divine Intervention?

Do you believe in Divine Intervention?

Do you believe in Divine intervention? Do you believe that God will step in and orchestrate a series of events, in response to a prayer or request? Did God plan this series of events from the start? Or, do you believe our lives are just like a feather in the wind, blown around by a series of coincidence. Or, like Forrest Gump said, is it, “a little of both”.

When Landon was born, I witnessed something that changed the way I think about our lives and the existence of God. Even today, eight years later, I can only describe what happened as Divine intervention.

It was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. A car, with little baby Landon inside, was speeding towards a brick wall. The outcome would be certain death. Suddenly, the hand of God reached down, with split second timing, and turned the car in a different direction, sparing Landon’s life.

I’m not going to go into detail here about what happened. I will say that I have been working on a book about Landon, his transplant, and the journey all of us took that got him to a transplant. I hope to have it ready to publish by the end of this year. Please sign up to "follow" Landon's blog. It will help us to have as many followers as we can get, when it comes time to publish the book.

I do want to continue reposting the blog entries from the time of Landon’s birth. I made this post after we found out Landon was a candidate for a transplant:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The operation went well. There was some inflammation but no sign of infection. They have removed the small intestine and attached the large intestine to the duodenum. They have established a catheter in his right thigh and he has a temporary tube in his stomach. The surgeon said that the catheter in his leg will probably be used to feed him for several years. Now we will be watching for any signs of infection or other complications. The surgeon now seems to be very optimistic.

We discussed what to expect in the short term and long term. In the short term we need to get through the next four days with no complications. After that we will probably be here for about four weeks. We will be learning about how to care for Landon, when he gets home. In the longer term, it is common for the liver to be damaged by the formula used for intravenous feeding. The doctors in Boston have modified the formula and it is not causing as much damage. They have discussed with the doctors here how to prepare the formula.

After Landon gets home there will be constant doctor visits and constant care. It may be several years before the need for a transplant.

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