Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem

In 2009, four days after Landon’s birth and surgeries, we were exhausted. We refused to venture far from the hospital for fear something would happen to Landon. We took turns sitting by Landon’s bedside and sleeping in the Pediatric Intensive Care waiting room, where we had staked out our corner as a campsite. We “freshened up”, and brushed our teeth in the nearby bathrooms. Our meals came from the hospital cafeteria.

A social worker from the hospital approached us and told us the Ronald McDonald House had granted us a room. The house was a couple blocks from the hospital. We could now take turns going to the house to sleep, shower, and eat a meal. The Ronald McDonald house became a port in the storm for the next couple weeks.
(Shelly in the kitchen at the Ronald McDonald House)

The house was clean, secure, and had a private bath for each room. There was plenty of food stocked in the kitchen. Every few days volunteers would come to bring prepared foods or to cook a meal for those staying at the house.

many organizations have blessed and helped us during this journey with Landon. The Ronald McDonald House in Winston-Salem, North Carolina was one of the first. Families experiencing one of the most difficult times imaginable can find help at the Ronald McDonald House. If you find it in your heart to somehow help and support the Ronald McDonald House, please do so. Here is a link to their web site: https://www.rmhws.org/house/about-the-house/

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