Friday, April 24, 2009

I haven't heard anything from Kathy or Shelly so I presume that things are OK with Landon. I am getting ready to go to the hospital and spend some time with Landon.

Shelly spoke with another mother, today, that has gone through the same ordeal that we are now going through. She told that her son was fed intravenously until he received a transplant at the age of two. By then his liver had been damaged and he also had a liver transplant. He is now seven and is doing fine. She described what it was like with the constant threat of infections, the numerous hospital stays and the need for nursing as well as other kinds of help. She told how hard it was to have a toddler dragging around a feeding pump that he is always connected to. She also told about the problems after the transplant with diet and diarrea. It is good to know that we are not the first family to have been in this situation and that others have blazed a trail for us and are willing to help us.

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