Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Quick Update from Boston

Just a quick update.
Dr. Puder came by early this morning. He talked to Shelly and explained some of the things that are going to happen today.
They took Landon down and did an ultrasound of his abdomen. They mapped out his anatomy and took a very close look at his liver. The good news is they did not find major damage, in his liver, and no blocked bile ducts were apparent. There were some abnormalities but nothing to cause alarm. We have spoken with several specialist. They are looking at the test that have been done and planning for more test including a complete look and his nutrient levels. They are testing for everything from calorie needs to his copper and zinc levels. They are trying to find out everything possible about Landon and coming up with a plan for his nutrition and care.
It is great to have a team of specialist that are totally focused on Landon and know how to care for his specific needs.
There will be a meeting tomorrow morning with the entire team and us at 11a.m.. After that I will help Jeremiah move their stuff to the Devon Nichole House and then I will have to go to the airport. It's going to be hard to leave them here. I know that they are in the best place possible for Landon. We were told that the lady that reviewed his ultrasound, with us, this morning is considered a "Guru" on the subject. One of the best in the country.
Shelly spent the night at the hospital and didn't get much sleep. She is very tired.

1 comment:

Jill Laurello said...

Congratulations on making it to Boston! I've been following Landon's story. My son, Jacob, is one of Dr. Puder's Omegaven babies. He saved his liver and his life! His total bili was 23 when we started and it is now .2! You're in good hands!!

Jill Laurello
North Adams, MA